Thursday, July 3, 2008

Don Brauer has joined our volunteer team working on recovery planning. Here are some of his initial ideas:

a. This planning effort should result in a "Green" (Sustainable) Plan to demonstrate ideas and procedures for all development or redevelopment anywhere in the City from now on

B. The hydrology plan parameters must be maintained ... new developments should not encroach on the 100-year area at all, and in the 500-year area only for parking and recreation areas for short term ( 24 to 48 hours), and less than two foot depth.

C. Action Procedures - Determine the type of housing needed by interviewing the displaced people and conduct a general marketing survey of the entire market area.

D. Long-Term Possible Flood Management Alternatives to Study:

1. Study the addition of a Diversion Channel around the City

2. Examine High-Flow Channel Improvements (widening, pavements, and walls through downtown)... and Raising (or Replacement) of Bridges) and ....

3. Study removing City and County Buildings, Leaving a Low Flow Island.

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